Tyler's Student Ambassador Summit Experience

Aug 5, 2015
Fuel Up to Play 60 students

Do you want to hear about about how much fun I had at the 2014 Ambassador summit in Dallas, Texas? Well, it was amazing! Read on and I will tell you how much fun I had and what I learned. 

The Summit was four, long, exhausting and exhilarating days. We stayed at the University of Texas campus, which was very nice. I have never been more tired, but excited in my life. We were busy the whole time learning about leadership, public speaking, nutrition and everything FUTP 60. We also had some fun playing flag football with NFL players - Broncos David Bruton, Rams Johnny Hekker, Patriots Devin McCorty, & Titans Jason McCorty.

At the Summit I learned how to be a better leader in my school and everywhere. I also learned how to be a public speaker and had some great sucess giving my first speech. We were shown how to activate FUTP 60 in our schools by working as a team. During one of the big challenges of the Summit, the cook-off, we learned how to be safe in the kitchen and make healthy recipes, like fruit with yogurt smoothies.

My favorite part of the Summit was the ropes course because it challenged me and made me get over my fear of heights. I also liked meeting kids from all over the country that also want to be healthy. My team, even though we did not win any of the challenges, had a really fantastic time. I made a bunch of really good friends that I plan to keep in touch with.

For my school this year I am going to try to bring the grab and go breakfast play in the mornings. I know a lot of my friends don't eat breakfast at all before school and I think it is important for them to have breakfast so that they can learn better. I also want to start a 100 miles club. We have a trail next to the school that is perfect for us to run at recess. I think everyone at my school will participate in trying to get 100 miles at the end of the school year. I plan to share with my friends how I walked the first mile of my 100 miles on the field of Dallas Cowboys stadium. It was so cool!

Make sure you watch the FUTP 60 website for an exciting video I was filmed in about the upcoming play - For the Love of Play! It is going to be fun for everyone!!

I love Fuel Up to Play 60 because it has made me healthy and given me some really great opportunities, like this one. It has personally made me more confident and given me self motivation to help other kids get healthy too. Getting to give my YOUTHtalk at the GenYouth Summit was exhilarating because I got a standing ovation on my very first time giving a public speech. It made me want to do more speeches.

I have become more healthy than I used to be since becoming involved in FUTP 60. Every day I want to ride my bike or do something else active to be able to track my 60 minutes of play. I also make sure I eat dairy, fruits and veggies and whole grains every day to record on my tracker. It is because of all my tracking that I was able to earn Ambassador status.

I would tell others to get involved because they can also have great experiences like going to the Summit. They are also able to make their school better by doing the plays and working hard as a team. Plus, you can win some really great prizes and become a better person while doing it.

Thank you for reading about my amazing experience at the Summit. I hope it makes you want to join the team and get to experience the awesomeness for yourself and your school!


About the Author

Tyler C. is the 2014-15 Colorado Fuel Up to Play 60 State Ambassador. In his role, he has visited the White House, participated in numerous panel discussions, filmed recipe demo videos and participated in a chef demo during the Broncos Health and Wellness Expo.