Milk Purchase Model

This program is a partnership between food banks and local milk brands that helps provide a constant supply of fresh milk to food banks and their agency partners at an affordable price. It’s structure can be tailored to the needs of each partnership. 

Who's involved?

Milk 2 My Plate

Food banks establish business plan to purchase a consistent amount of milk directly from milk brands at an affordable price, providing agency partners, such as food pantries and soup kitchens, with regular access to nutrient-rich milk.

Milk Brand produces milk to fulfill the milk orders to provide a steady supply of milk to food banks/agencies at an established price via direct distribution to agency partners on their regular delivery route.

Agency partners such as food pantries and soup kitchens, increase clients’ access to nutrient-rich milk, helping meet F2E requirements. Agency partners are invited to participate by the food bank based on their set criteria, maintaining a minimum quantity of milk per order.

Regional dairy council provides connections between food banks and processors to work through program logistics and model options. Councils cannot negotiate pricing. 

·       We can offer program support for Milk 2 My Plate Purchase Model through exploration of grants, sponsorships and consumer donations (e.g., providing coolers in return for the establishment of a Milk Purchase Model program).

·       We can offer health and wellness materials to food banks to distribute to clients. 


See the program in action 

Questions about this program?

  • Contact Michelle Van Pelt at

Program details are updated often. Please check back frequently.

Last updated: Sept. 22, 2022