Nutrition NOW
Food insecurity, nutrient deficiency and improperly balanced diets are widespread issues that can cause gaps in education, social development and overall wellness – the fundamental factors of student success. We can close this gap by ensuring all students have access to the nutrition they need, empowering them to take charge of their own wellness.
Students are the leaders of tomorrow, and they need Nutrition NOW.
Nutrition NOW is a full-service solution to your school nutrition needs. We’re passionate about helping you in your mission to nourish students.

Expertise. With a combined 240 years of school nutrition experience, our School Wellness Consultants can provide customized support to help you expand meal service operations and drive incremental growth of your ADP. We also maintain a library of expertly designed tools to support you from start to finish, like one-page overviews to help with initial district buy-in and Standard Operating Procedures covering everything from roles and responsibilities to timelines and sample menus.

Program Marketing. Whichever initiative you choose, marketing is the key to growing participation. We can provide customized support to elevate your program, from graphics and signage, to promotions.

Funding. Grant funding is generously provided by the dairy farm families of Colorado, southwest Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, New Mexico, Western Oklahoma, Texas and Wyoming. School districts that participate in the National School Lunch Program, School Breakfast Program, Summer Food Service Program, Seamless Summer Option or CACFP After School Meals can apply for funding to increase student dairy food consumption. Schools will be evaluated to receive grant funding based on a variety of factors, including the strength of the program, enrollment and potential for impact.
How to Get Started
Explore the programs below or contact your School Wellness Consultant for more information on our funding, resources and expertise.