Connecting to Consumers

Sep 20, 2016
AMAZING by nature shows the goodness of dairy from farm to fridge.

There are many ways to tell a story and Dairy MAX’s new campaign is just one way to connect with consumers. Dairy MAX is using a new creative platform as a key component in their messaging to farmers, consumers, educators and health professionals, alike.

There are four different words used in the campaign—amazing, yummy, healthy and built. Each word is spelled out using different objects to characterize letters with their own, unique meaning.

“AMAZING by nature” tells the farm-to-fridge story while highlighting the goodness of dairy. With elements such as a barn and a cow, and dairy foods and a refrigerator depicted, “AMAZING by nature” is a versatile marketing tool for all audiences.

“YUMMY by nature” shows five of the delicious ways dairy foods can be enjoyed, including cheese, chocolate milk, yogurt, grilled cheese sandwich and an ice cream cone. This is used when promoting recipes and dairy foods in consumer-facing materials.

“HEALTHY by nature” is primarily used when communicating with health and wellness professionals. The “HEALTHY by nature” messaging utilizes cheese, yogurt, milk and a smoothie. Combining elements representing a healthy body and fit regimen – including strong bones and tennis shoes, this word art showcases dairy foods can and should be a part of an active and healthy lifestyle.

BUILT by nature is a program created by Dairy MAX’s school marketing team for high school coaches. It is no surprise coaches have a direct influence on the nutrition choices of athletes. “BUILT by nature” educates coaches on the benefits of choosing chocolate milk for post-workout recovery. 

The “BUILT by nature” illustration focuses solely on chocolate milk and how it fits with an athlete’s rigorous training program.

The new creative platform is another way Dairy MAX is strategically working to reach consumers and promote dairy foods.