Dairy MAX teamed up with Colorado State University (CSU) to provide the Rams Against Hunger Food Pantry (RAH) access to dairy foods and beverages. Dairy MAX donated a commercial-grade refrigerator to assist CSU’s pantry serve students, staff and faculty. 200 gallons of milk were donated by Morning Fresh Dairy for CSU students and faculty.
The RAH food pantry offers an authentic grocery-shopping experience for the entire campus community. Along with the donated cooler, the pantry has a well-equipped walk-in freezer, spacious aisles, a wide selection of frozen foods, fresh produce, milk, eggs, and dry and shelf-stable products.
Dairy MAX partners with local and regional food pantries across the region to increase refrigeration space within the pantries. “The cooler program was created during the COVID-19 pandemic to alleviate some of the challenges that come along with providing dairy, such as access and refrigeration,” said Michelle Van Pelt, Dairy MAX business development manager. “The coolers are used to store milk, cheese, butter and yogurt desired by the communities the pantries serve.”
To date, Dairy MAX has placed coolers at six university pantries across four states: University of Texas at San Antonio, Louisiana Tech, Tarleton State, Midwestern State, Redlands Community College, and most recently Colorado State University.